

Warehousing and Shipping

Dispatch products

The sales order dispatch process is for removing finished goods from inventory and shipping them to customers. During the dispatch process it is possible to produce inventory pick lists, shipping papers and Proforma invoices. Also the serial numbers and/or lot numbers of goods are recorded if appropriate.

Dispatches are always based on active sales order lines. A single dispatch can contain goods from many different orders. Even orders for different customers can be in the same dispatch providing that these orders have the same delivery address.

Dispatches can be processed either from the Sales main menu or from the Factory main menu.

If a ‘Ship From’ address is specified in the sales order, then users whose user ids are linked to this company can process dispatches on your behalf. In this case those users will only be able to view orders that have the relevant ‘Ship From’ address. This makes it possible to ship directly from a subcontractor.

There is support for general shipping papers and also the more detailed shipping papers required for international shipping.

Receive purchase materials

Receipt operations are the process of accepting purchased materials from a supplier into inventory. New material receipts are always based on activated purchase order lines.

With the standard purchase order receipt template it is possible to:

  • receive materials from lines of multiple purchase orders
  • edit the allocations of the materials received
  • create new lots if lot tracking is in use
  • enter other data such as freight paper numbers

Each receipt receives it’s own unique number. It is also possible to print a record of the receipt, and also receipt labels for the materials. The receipt labels can be attached to the materials to form a tracking system. The supplier’s shipping paper number can be seen when the invoice is written to the system.

It is possible to use barcoding in material receipt. Reading a barcode from a product will check both the item id and manufacturer part number from the purchase order to try to find a match with either.

Material transfer

The material transfer operation enables material to be transferred between different inventory locations. Inventory locations are tied to partner addresses created in the Partners section. Even if there are different inventory locations in the same factory, it is necessary to create a separate address for them. However inventory locations will more commonly be between different geographical locations and in many cases will be at subcontractors or other partner locations.

Material transfer is designed also to enable international transfers. As such there is the facility to produce detailed shipping papers and Proforma invoices. The Proforma invoices can be based on a special transfer price list.

Customer returns

Customer returns allow the tracking and analysis of products returned from customers.

Each return is registered and a customer return confirmation can be created either before or after the product is returned. The user can classify the return according to a list of return reasons created in the company section. Also the action is marked as repair and return, return to stock or scrap.


Traceability includes lot tracking and serial number tracking. When this module is licensed, individual items can be specified to either. Then the system will prompt in the necessary places for the user to input or select the appropriate lot or serial number when producing or consuming the item.

Note that serial number tracking is a prerequisite of the Product tracking feature described in the sales section.

Lot tracking

Lot tracking is a tool for tracking received components from suppliers, semi finished goods and dispatched products. Whether lot tracking is in use or not is specified by the item in the Item card.

When a material is received from a supplier that has lot tracking then new lot or lots are created at the receipt. These lot numbers may be those created by the manufacturer of the material. When these materials are used in work orders then the lots that are used are marked. The lot number of a product or subassembly will by default be the work order number of the work order that produced it. This can be recorded in the next work order for a subassembly, or in the dispatch process for final products.

Lot tracking is used for material traceability as part of a quality system. If necessary it is possible to trace a defective lot backwards to the component source and forward to other customers who may have received product from the same lot or using components from the same lot.

Serial numbers

Serial number tracking is similar to lot tracking but occurs for individual items. Serial number tracking is activated by item in the Item card. Serial numbers can be created manually or automatically. It is also possible to specify a standard serial number prefix by item.

There is a lighter version of serial number tracking which is “record only”. In this case, products do not need to have serial numbers created in the system, but only the number is recorded when the item is shipped to the customer. This simplifies data entry in production.

Serial numbered products that are shipped to customers are automatically included in the Product Tracking facility that is accessed from the Sales section.

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